本文探讨了超线性增长趋势的环境影响,从整体角度来看,跨越数据,算法和系统硬件。我们通过在行业规模机器学习用例中检查模型开发周期来表征AI计算的碳足迹,同时考虑系统硬件的生命周期。进一步迈出一步,我们捕获AI计算的操作和制造碳足迹,并为硬件 - 软件设计和尺度优化的结束分析以及如何帮助降低AI的整体碳足迹。根据行业经验和经验教训,我们分享关键挑战,并在AI的许多方面上绘制了重要的发展方向。我们希望本文提出的关键信息和见解能够激发社区以环保的方式推进AI领域。
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Quantum computing (QC) promises significant advantages on certain hard computational tasks over classical computers. However, current quantum hardware, also known as noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers (NISQ), are still unable to carry out computations faithfully mainly because of the lack of quantum error correction (QEC) capability. A significant amount of theoretical studies have provided various types of QEC codes; one of the notable topological codes is the surface code, and its features, such as the requirement of only nearest-neighboring two-qubit control gates and a large error threshold, make it a leading candidate for scalable quantum computation. Recent developments of machine learning (ML)-based techniques especially the reinforcement learning (RL) methods have been applied to the decoding problem and have already made certain progress. Nevertheless, the device noise pattern may change over time, making trained decoder models ineffective. In this paper, we propose a continual reinforcement learning method to address these decoding challenges. Specifically, we implement double deep Q-learning with probabilistic policy reuse (DDQN-PPR) model to learn surface code decoding strategies for quantum environments with varying noise patterns. Through numerical simulations, we show that the proposed DDQN-PPR model can significantly reduce the computational complexity. Moreover, increasing the number of trained policies can further improve the agent's performance. Our results open a way to build more capable RL agents which can leverage previously gained knowledge to tackle QEC challenges.
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Arbitrary Style Transfer is a technique used to produce a new image from two images: a content image, and a style image. The newly produced image is unseen and is generated from the algorithm itself. Balancing the structure and style components has been the major challenge that other state-of-the-art algorithms have tried to solve. Despite all the efforts, it's still a major challenge to apply the artistic style that was originally created on top of the structure of the content image while maintaining consistency. In this work, we solved these problems by using a Deep Learning approach using Convolutional Neural Networks. Our implementation will first extract foreground from the background using the pre-trained Detectron 2 model from the content image, and then apply the Arbitrary Style Transfer technique that is used in SANet. Once we have the two styled images, we will stitch the two chunks of images after the process of style transfer for the complete end piece.
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Deep neural networks (DNN) are prone to miscalibrated predictions, often exhibiting a mismatch between the predicted output and the associated confidence scores. Contemporary model calibration techniques mitigate the problem of overconfident predictions by pushing down the confidence of the winning class while increasing the confidence of the remaining classes across all test samples. However, from a deployment perspective, an ideal model is desired to (i) generate well-calibrated predictions for high-confidence samples with predicted probability say >0.95, and (ii) generate a higher proportion of legitimate high-confidence samples. To this end, we propose a novel regularization technique that can be used with classification losses, leading to state-of-the-art calibrated predictions at test time; From a deployment standpoint in safety-critical applications, only high-confidence samples from a well-calibrated model are of interest, as the remaining samples have to undergo manual inspection. Predictive confidence reduction of these potentially ``high-confidence samples'' is a downside of existing calibration approaches. We mitigate this by proposing a dynamic train-time data pruning strategy that prunes low-confidence samples every few epochs, providing an increase in "confident yet calibrated samples". We demonstrate state-of-the-art calibration performance across image classification benchmarks, reducing training time without much compromise in accuracy. We provide insights into why our dynamic pruning strategy that prunes low-confidence training samples leads to an increase in high-confidence samples at test time.
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Fingerphoto images captured using a smartphone are successfully used to verify the individuals that have enabled several applications. This work presents a novel algorithm for fingerphoto verification using a nested residual block: Finger-NestNet. The proposed Finger-NestNet architecture is designed with three consecutive convolution blocks followed by a series of nested residual blocks to achieve reliable fingerphoto verification. This paper also presents the interpretability of the proposed method using four different visualization techniques that can shed light on the critical regions in the fingerphoto biometrics that can contribute to the reliable verification performance of the proposed method. Extensive experiments are performed on the fingerphoto dataset comprised of 196 unique fingers collected from 52 unique data subjects using an iPhone6S. Experimental results indicate the improved verification of the proposed method compared to six different existing methods with EER = 1.15%.
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This paper addresses the problem of position estimation in UAVs operating in a cluttered environment where GPS information is unavailable. A model learning-based approach is proposed that takes in the rotor RPMs and past state as input and predicts the one-step-ahead position of the UAV using a novel spectral-normalized memory neural network (SN-MNN). The spectral normalization guarantees stable and reliable prediction performance. The predicted position is transformed to global coordinate frame which is then fused along with the odometry of other peripheral sensors like IMU, barometer, compass etc., using the onboard extended Kalman filter to estimate the states of the UAV. The experimental flight data collected from a motion capture facility using a micro-UAV is used to train the SN-MNN. The PX4-ECL library is used to replay the flight data using the proposed algorithm, and the estimated position is compared with actual ground truth data. The proposed algorithm doesn't require any additional onboard sensors, and is computationally light. The performance of the proposed approach is compared with the current state-of-art GPS-denied algorithms, and it can be seen that the proposed algorithm has the least RMSE for position estimates.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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We consider stochastic gradient descents on the space of large symmetric matrices of suitable functions that are invariant under permuting the rows and columns using the same permutation. We establish deterministic limits of these random curves as the dimensions of the matrices go to infinity while the entries remain bounded. Under a "small noise" assumption the limit is shown to be the gradient flow of functions on graphons whose existence was established in arXiv:2111.09459. We also consider limits of stochastic gradient descents with added properly scaled reflected Brownian noise. The limiting curve of graphons is characterized by a family of stochastic differential equations with reflections and can be thought of as an extension of the classical McKean-Vlasov limit for interacting diffusions. The proofs introduce a family of infinite-dimensional exchangeable arrays of reflected diffusions and a novel notion of propagation of chaos for large matrices of interacting diffusions.
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光学相干断层扫描(OCT)对指纹成像的技术为捕获皮肤层深度信息的能力而为指纹识别开辟了新的研究潜力。如果可以充分利用深度信息,则可以开发健壮和高安全性自动指纹识别系统(AFRSS)。然而,在现有的研究中,基于深度信息的表现攻击检测(PAD)和地下指纹重建被视为两个独立的分支,从而导致AFRS构建的高计算和复杂性。因此,本文提出了一个基于OCT的统一表示模型指纹垫和地下指纹重建。首先,我们设计了一个新型的语义分割网络,该网络仅通过基于OCT的指纹的真实手指切片训练,以从这些切片(也称为B扫描)中提取多个地下结构。从网络中得出的潜在代码直接用于有效检测PA,因为它们包含丰富的地下生物学信息,该信息与PA材料独立,并且对未知PA具有强大的鲁棒性。同时,采用了分段的地下结构来重建多个地下2D指纹。通过使用基于传统2D指纹的现有成熟技术,可以轻松实现识别。广泛的实验是在我们自己已建立的数据库上进行的,该数据库是最大的基于OCT的指纹数据库,具有2449卷。在PAD任务中,我们的方法可以从最先进的方法中提高0.33%的ACC。对于重建性能,我们的方法以0.834 miou和0.937 pa的形式达到了最佳性能。通过与表面2D指纹的识别性能进行比较,我们提出的方法对高质量地下指纹重建的有效性得到了进一步证明。
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学习无标记数据的判别性表示是一项具有挑战性的任务。对比性的自我监督学习提供了一个框架,可以使用简单的借口任务中的相似性措施来学习有意义的表示。在这项工作中,我们为使用图像贴片上的对比度学习而无需使用明确的借口任务或任何进一步标记的微调来提出一个简单有效的框架,用于使用对比度学习进行自我监督的图像分割。完全卷积的神经网络(FCNN)以自我监督的方式进行训练,以辨别输入图像中的特征并获得置信图,从而捕获网络对同一类的对象的信念。根据对比度学习的置信图中的平均熵对正 - 和负斑进行采样。当正面斑块之间的信息分离很小时,假定会收敛,而正阴对对很大。我们评估了从多个组织病理学数据集分割核的任务,并通过相关的自我监督和监督方法显示出可比的性能。所提出的模型仅由一个具有10.8K参数的简单FCNN组成,需要大约5分钟才能收敛于高分辨率显微镜数据集,该数据集比相关的自我监督方法小的数量级以获得相似的性能。
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